What is The Ultimate Colour Run?
The Ultimate Colour Run is more of a moving party than a race. Each event starts with a Zumba warm-up before participants set off in their Persil perfect white t-shirt.
Throughout the event course, participants will be coated in an explosion of colour as they pass through our colour zones, leaving them looking more like a walking rainbow.
Participants can walk, jog, run or dance their way around the course completing the course at the finish line and entering our colour party and colour throw!
Who's behind the Brand?
Me. I write all the text on the website, lead the Zumba warm up and help throw the powder. My name is Daryl. In addition to running The Ultimate Colour Run, I run a children's activities company, along with an amazing team of staff. We all started as teachers, sports coaches and professional within the children's industry.
Once upon a time... we attended a colour run, said we could do better... and we did, we did a lot better! We created the best Colour Run experience across the UK & Ireland. Building on that success (and because we sell out our in person events each year), we launched our packages to reduce the cost and allow more people to experience The Ultimate Colour Run.
Why should i do a colour run?
There's a whole heap of fundraising ideas for schools and groups that can help them reach their fundraising goals and targets. However, The Ultimate Colour run makes all other events look tiny in comparison. With no upfront financial implication for schools/groups, it's a terrific opportunity for kids to take part in a fun and exciting event focusing on exercise and healthy living whilst raising mountains of cash. Ultimate Colour take control of 100% of the event organisation, delivery and clean up, allowing staff to sit back and enjoy the event. Or, if you'd rather do it yourself. We can offer everything you need + more for a lower price than buying the powder yourself online. How? We bulk buy for our own events, reducing the cost of powder allowing us to pass on the savings. Check out our packages